Maseno University Journal invites researchers, scholars, and academicians to submit original research papers for possible publication in our upcoming issue. We welcome high-quality submissions from various disciplines, aiming to promote academic excellence and the dissemination of knowledge.
Submissions cover a wide range of disciplines, including but not limited to:
- Social Sciences
- Natural Sciences
- Humanities
- Education
- Business and Economics
- Health Sciences
- Technology and Innovation
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline: March 15, 2025
Submission Guidelines
- Manuscripts must be original, unpublished, and not under review elsewhere.
- All submissions should follow the journal’s formatting guidelines, available on our website.
- Papers must be submitted in Word or PDF format.
- Submitted manuscripts must have the references formatted using a Reference Software e.g. Endnote, Zotero etc
How to Submit: Please send your manuscript via email to the Editor-in-Chief at
Ensure your email includes the following:
- Title of the paper
- Author(s) details (name, affiliation, and contact information)
- Abstract (maximum 300 words)
- Keywords (3-5)
For further inquiries, please contact:
For more information Contact: Phillip Guya: +254710187247
Editor-in-Chief’s Email:
We look forward to your contributions and thank you for choosing Maseno University Journal as a platform to share your research.