Maseno University Team, led by the Dean SBE, Dr. Fredrick Aila meets with PI for Cassava Value Chains project Prof. Calleb Nindo of University of Maryland, USA, for Stakeholders Engagement meeting

The project title: Strengthening the Capacity of the Partner Institutions to Address Global Food Security in East and Southern Africa: The Case of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Kenya. Maseno University is implementing three mini proposals namely:
1. Capacity Building and Demonstration of Improved Cassava (Manihot esculenta) in Western Kenya (Mathew Dida and Fredrick Aila)
2. Assessing the Potential of Value-Added Cassava Products for Improving Food Security and Household Income in Western Kenya (Fredrick Aila, Phoebe Mose, Benjamin Ombok, Jairo Mise and Jacob Chessang)
3. Investigating the prevalence and pathogenicity of Salmonella typhi aflatoxin and Harmful Algal blooms (HABs) in Omena value chain to enhance food security and safety: Case of Nyanza Gulf, Lake Victoria, Kenya (Erick Ogello and Bowa Kwach)

The project progress meeting focused on assessing the progress of the projects undertaken at Maseno University based on the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Maseno University and University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES). The current project is funded by United States Department for Agriculture (USDA) under the 1890 Universities Center of Excellence for Global Food Security and Defense.