Regional Center of Expertise (RCE Nyanza)
Monica A. Amulo
RCE Nyanza
Regional Center of Expertise (RCE) Nyanza is a centre that brings together organizations at local / regional level to jointly promote education for sustainable development (ESD). The center builds an innovative platform for sharing information and experiences and promotes dialogue among stakeholders through partnerships for sustainable development.
An RCE is a network of existing formal, non-formal and informal education organizations, mobilized to deliver Education for Sustainable Development to a regional community. Education for Sustainable Development is a dynamic concept that encompasses a new vision of education that seeks to empower people of all ages to assume responsibility for creating and enjoying a sustainable future. The overall aim of ESD is to empower citizens to act for positive environmental and socio-economic change, implying a participatory and action-oriented approach.
The RCE Nyanza incorporates the four core elements of an RCE namely: Governance; Collaboration; Research and development and Transformative education. The RCE will be modeled on Lake Basin Ecosystems - to address issues and challenges in a lake basin context.
The RCE Nyanza is currently hosted by Maseno University and has a Coordinator who works under a Board appointed by the VC. The Board operates as the advisory arm of the RCE.
The RCE Nyanza expects to play a major role in spearheading advocacy initiatives to change the educational framework, so that graduates at all levels are capable of ensuring sustainability in the region. It also hopes to play a leading role in general education and promotion of awareness on environment and sustainable development. RCE Nyanza also perceives its role as a platform for interaction and dialogue between governmental organizations, County assemblies, academic and research institutions, civil society organizations (CSOs) and the private sector.
The activities of RCE Nyanza will mainly be research, teaching and extension services including transformative education on ESD. The planned activities include:
• Raising awareness through capacity building programmes
• Creating a network to promote information exchange and collaboration between organizations including governmental organizations, County assemblies, academic and research institutions, civil society organizations (CSOs) and the private sector.
• Developing ESD partnerships focusing on priority themes in the region such as lake pollution, soil degradation, poverty and waste management.
• Establishing ESD resource centre to facilitate cooperation between the stakeholders
• Promote projects and the use of indigenous knowledge systems and science and technology for sustainable development
• Registration of the RCE Nyanza